This update does the following:
1. Removes themes from children of control node
2. Sets the dark theme to control node (MenuScreen)
3. Defines 2 styles within the 2 themes (dark and light)
So to change the theme overall, for the control node, just load the needed theme, for example:
1. Removes pre-load singleton scripts from the project settings
2. Sets black background and ui_highContrast_but_theme.tres for buttons
3. Adds focus grab script for temp backgrounds for tab/enter control
The following changes done here:
1. Stripped down to the main menu, and that pushed as erpg\Godot\MainMenu\GodotUserInterface_Doug bcirpg_mainMenu_[date]
2. Relocated all other project work to: erpg\Godot\Experiments\Doug\
History improvement for use singleton, with various loading and saving efforts for the history.
Added locations and command processing upgrade for some map exploration.
Uploaded my 2nd try at the Start Game Menu. Major cosmetic overhaul. No functionality, though. All functionality (use of buttons) is in my first Start Game Menu file.
Combined all Godot uploads from everyone into one folder (MainMenu) within a new folder for Godot files (Godot).
Uploaded my first draft version of the Main Menu file.