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  1. Table: Items

    • This table will store information about base items like powerups.
    CREATE TABLE items (
        item_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
        name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
  2. Table: Synonyms

    • This table will store synonyms for each item, referencing the items table.
    CREATE TABLE synonyms (
        synonym_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
        item_id INT REFERENCES items(item_id),
        synonym VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
  3. Table: Genres

    • This table will store different genres, like "fantasy" or "modern day."
    CREATE TABLE genres (
        genre_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
        name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
  4. Table: Items_Genres

    • This table will establish a many-to-many relationship between items and genres, as an item can belong to multiple genres.
    CREATE TABLE items_genres (
        item_id INT REFERENCES items(item_id),
        genre_id INT REFERENCES genres(genre_id),
        PRIMARY KEY (item_id, genre_id)

With this schema, you can:

  • Add base items like powerups to the items table.
  • Associate synonyms for each base item in the synonyms table, referencing the corresponding item.
  • Categorize base items into different genres in the genres table.
  • Establish relationships between base items and genres in the items_genres table.

Here's an example of how you might use this schema:

-- Insert a base item
INSERT INTO items (name) VALUES ('Health Potion');
-- Insert synonyms for the base item
INSERT INTO synonyms (item_id, synonym) VALUES (1, 'Health Potion');
INSERT INTO synonyms (item_id, synonym) VALUES (1, 'Stimpack');
-- Insert genres
INSERT INTO genres (name) VALUES ('Fantasy');
INSERT INTO genres (name) VALUES ('Modern Day');
-- Associate the base item with genres
INSERT INTO items_genres (item_id, genre_id) VALUES (1, 1); -- Health Potion belongs to Fantasy
INSERT INTO items_genres (item_id, genre_id) VALUES (1, 2); -- Health Potion also belongs to Modern Day
-- Select the Fantasy name of an the heavy armor base item that you are looking for.
SELECT genres.name
FROM genres
JOIN items_genres ON genres.genre_id = items_genres.genre_id
JOIN base_items ON items_genres.base_item_id = base_items.item_id
WHERE base_items.name = 'heavy armor'
  AND genres.name = 'Fantasy';