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synced 2024-04-16 14:23:01 +00:00
added basic save system
Added basic save system that has data to xml file.
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ config_version=4
@ -86,12 +86,12 @@ onready var special8 = $"RootVBoxContainer/TopHBoxContainer/RightVBoxContainer/V
onready var special9 = $"RootVBoxContainer/TopHBoxContainer/RightVBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/SpecialAbilitiesVBoxContainer/CenterContainer/GridContainer/SBOptionButton9"
# Save the data to a CSV file.
var rowData = [CharacterName, Profession, Demeanor, Species, Culture, Faction, Description, HeightAndWeight,
Backstory, Gender, Equipment, Charisma, Dialog, Constitution, Agility, SelfDisipline, Memory, Reasoning,
Strength, Quickness, Presence, Intuition, Empathy, Appearence, skill1, skill2, skill3, skill4, skill5,
skill6, skill7, skill8, skill9, skill10, special1, special2, special3, special4, special5, special6,
special7, special8, special9]
# 12/10/23 save the data to a xml file.
# comments for future skill sets to use
# ,skill1, skill2, skill3, skill4, skill5,
# skill6, skill7, skill8, skill9, skill10, special1, special2, special3, special4, special5, special6,
# special7, special8, special9
var headerData = ["CharacterName", "Profession", "Demeanor", "Species", "Culture", "Faction", "Description", "HeightAndWeight",
"Backstory", "Gender", "Equipment", "Charisma", "Dialog", "Constitution", "Agility", "SelfDisipline", "Memory",
@ -103,37 +103,43 @@ var headerData = ["CharacterName", "Profession", "Demeanor", "Species", "Culture
func _ready():
pass # Replace with function body.
func save_data_to_csv(data: Array, file_path: String):
var file_path = "user://data.xml" # Use 'user://' to save in the user data directory
func save_data_to_xml(data: Array, path: String) -> void:
var file = File.new()
if file.open(file_path, File.WRITE) == OK:
for row in data:
if file.open("user://data.xml", File.WRITE) == OK:
file.store_line("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>")
for line_edit in data:
var line_edit_text = line_edit.text
print("Data saved to", file_path)
print("Data saved to XML file:", path)
print("Failed to open", file_path, "for writing.")
print("Error opening file for writing:", path)
func format_row(row_data: Array) -> String:
# Convert the array of data to a comma-separated string
var formatted_row = ""
for i in range(row_data.size()):
formatted_row += str(row_data[i])
if i < row_data.size() - 1:
formatted_row += ","
formatted_row += "\n"
return formatted_row
# Example usage:
var data_to_save = [
["Name", "Age", "Score"],
["John", 25, 85],
["Alice", 30, 92],
["Bob", 28, 78],
var file_path = "user://data.csv" # Use 'user://' to save in the user data directory
func create_array_to_save() -> Array:
var userData = [CharacterName, Profession, Demeanor, Species, Culture, Faction, Description, HeightAndWeight,
Backstory, Gender, Equipment, Charisma, Dialog, Constitution, Agility, SelfDisipline, Memory, Reasoning,
Strength, Quickness, Presence, Intuition, Empathy, Appearence]
return userData
func _on_Button_pressed():
var fileName = "character_data.csv"
save_data_to_csv(data_to_save, file_path)
save_data_to_xml(create_array_to_save(), file_path)
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ script = ExtResource( 3 )
[node name="ColorRect" type="ColorRect" parent="."]
anchor_right = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 1.0
margin_top = -6.0
margin_bottom = -6.0
color = Color( 0.537255, 0.537255, 0.537255, 1 )
[node name="RootVBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="."]
@ -684,3 +686,4 @@ margin_bottom = 368.0
text = "Export Character To Module"
[connection signal="pressed" from="RootVBoxContainer/TopHBoxContainer/RightVBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/Button" to="." method="_on_Button_pressed"]
[connection signal="tree_entered" from="RootVBoxContainer/TopHBoxContainer/RightVBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/Button" to="." method="_on_Button_tree_entered"]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user