MacDugRPG 10860a0b71 New Game - Doug
Adds new game start.
2022-02-27 15:27:22 -05:00

50 lines
1.5 KiB

# Template script for the Locale scene; allows for connecting exits, and also
# maintains a visited bool (currently un-used) and takes additional
# options via the GUI:
# 1. Name
# 2. Description
# 3. The 3 option strings available at the location
extends PanelContainer
#Allows Godot to handle autocomplete and 'register' class
class_name Locale
export (String) var locale_name = "Location Name"
export (String) var locale_description = "This is the description of the location."
#DKM TEMP: assuming this gets set here
export (String) var option1 = "Option 1"
export (String) var option2 = "Option 2"
export (String) var option3 = "Option 3"
var visited = false;
var exits: Dictionary = {}
#DKM TEMP: right now connects both directions, but can make an alt func that c
# connects just one way for example (for one-way-doors)
# currently not in use, but the override defaults false but if passed can let
# you apply custom direction
func connect_exit(direction: String, locale: Locale, override_direction: bool = false):
match direction:
exits[direction] = locale
locale.exits["east"] = self
exits[direction] = locale
locale.exits["west"] = self
exits[direction] = locale
locale.exits["south"] = self
exits[direction] = locale
locale.exits["north"] = self
printerr("Tried to connect invalid direction: %s", direction)
exits[direction] = locale