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extends Node2D
var an_data_file_path = "res://Grammar/ExceptionsForAn.json"
var exceptionsListForAn = load_json(an_data_file_path)
var a_data_file_path = "res://Grammar/ExceptionsForA.json"
var exceptionsListForA = load_json(a_data_file_path)
func load_json(filePath : String):
var dataFile = FileAccess.open(filePath, FileAccess.READ)
var parsedResult = JSON.parse_string(dataFile.get_as_text())
if parsedResult is Array:
return parsedResult
print("Error Reading File")
#rebuild_sentence is here to assist with making a human readable sentence, out of the array created in correct_sentence.
#Example of how to call this function from within another function:
#var outputString = rebuild_sentence(newWords)
# return(outputString)
func rebuild_sentence(input_sentance: Array) -> String:
var outputString = ""
for i in range(input_sentance.size()):
outputString += input_sentance[i] + " "
return outputString
#correct_sentances will output a modified string array, based on the sentance String that you input.
#Here is what is outputed from the following function calls.
# print(correct_sentence("An unicorn is an mythical creature"))
# print(correct_sentence("A apple a day keeps an doctor away"))
# print(correct_sentence("An hour"))
# print(correct_sentence("Eating seeds as an passtime activity..."))
# print(correct_sentence("Wake Up... Grab an brush and put on a little makeup..."))
# ["A", "unicorn", "is", "a", "mythical", "creature"]
# ["A", "apple", "a", "day", "keeps", "a", "doctor", "away"]
# ["An", "hour"]
# ["Eating", "seeds", "as", "a", "passtime", "activity..."]
# ["Wake", "Up...", "Grab", "a", "brush", "and", "put", "on", "a", "little", "makeup..."]
func correct_sentence(input_string: String) -> String:
var words = input_string.split(" ")
var newWords = words
var articleList = ["a", "an", "A", "An"]
# One Potential Addition, could be that we make an exception list for words that should be prefixed with A, and another one for words that should be prefixed with An
# Start Filtering the words
for i in range(words.size()):
var current_word = words[i]
var first_character = current_word.substr(0, 1).to_lower()
# Correct Every Word after the first word.
if i > 1:
var last_word = words[i-1]
if current_word != last_word:
if articleList.has(last_word):
if first_character.match("[aeiouAEIOU]") or exceptionsListForAn.has(last_word):
newWords[i-1] = "an"
if exceptionsListForA.has(last_word):
newWords[i-1] = "a"
newWords[i-1] = "a"
# Correcting the first word of the string now.
if words[0] != words[1]:
if articleList.has(words[0]):
var nextWordFirstChar = words[1].substr(0, 1).to_lower()
if nextWordFirstChar.match("[aeiouAEIOU]") or exceptionsListForAn.has(words[1]):
newWords[0] = "An"
if exceptionsListForA.has(words[1]):
newWords[0] = "A"
newWords[0] = "A"
var outputString = rebuild_sentence(newWords)
func _ready():
print(correct_sentence("A heir and a hourglass to go to the throne"))
print(correct_sentence("An european country."))
print(correct_sentence("A heir"))
print(correct_sentence("a hour"))