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#This script is for the overarching node that will contain the diemanager singleton
#It should be the only one of the die scripts that is attached onto a node.
extends Control
#desired dice types and needed percentage to pass are selected by game/user
#desiredDice takes an int array representing the # sides on the die/dice
#neededPercentageToPass takes a float that
export var desiredDice: Array
export var neededPercentageToPass: float
#Define dieManager variable
var dieManager
func _ready():
#create diemanager object
dieManager = DieManager.new(desiredDice, neededPercentageToPass)
#function gets the result of the roll(s) and shows it in the UI
func _on_Die_button_down():
#rollDice function returns an array with the following elements in the following positions:
#rollDice result: [[rolledValues], percentRolled, passResult, neededPercent, degreeOfSuccess, dice]
var result = dieManager.rollDice()
#assigning variable names to each of them for better clarity
var rolledValues = result[0]
var percentRolled = result[1]
var passResult = result[2]
var neededPercent = result[3]
var degreeOfSuccess = result[4]
var dice = result[5]
#Check if passed or not
if passResult:
$Outcome.text = "Successful Roll!"
$Outcome.text = "Failed Roll!"
var diceResultText = "Rolled Values:\n"
#Prints the integer calues of each die rolled in the form: "D(num faces): (value rolled)"
for i in range(dice.size()):
diceResultText += ("D" + str(dice[i]) + ": " + str(rolledValues[i]) + "\n")
#changing labels on screen
$RolledValues.text = diceResultText
$PercentNeeded.text = "Percent Needed to Pass: " + str(neededPercent * 100) + "%"
$PercentRolled.text = "Percent Rolled: " + str(percentRolled * 100) + "%"
$DegreeOfSuccess.text = "Degree of Success: " + str(degreeOfSuccess * 100) + "%"
#revealing labels to user
#Calls the cleardata method for the diemanager and hides the text on screen
func _on_Reset_button_down():
dieManager.setDieManager(desiredDice, neededPercentageToPass)