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synced 2024-04-16 14:23:01 +00:00
Created script: "DiceRoller.gd" to be the only dice script attached to a node and will act as a singleton. A single DieManager object is created in this script. The DieManager's values can be changed and methods can be called through the DiceRoller Script
70 lines
2.2 KiB
70 lines
2.2 KiB
#This script is for the overarching node that will contain the diemanager singleton
#It should be the only one of the die scripts that is attached onto a node.
extends Control
#desired dice types and needed percentage to pass are selected by game/user
#desiredDice takes an int array representing the # sides on the die/dice
#neededPercentageToPass takes a float that
export var desiredDice: Array
export var neededPercentageToPass: float
#Define dieManager variable
var dieManager
func _ready():
#create diemanager object
dieManager = DieManager.new(desiredDice, neededPercentageToPass)
#function gets the result of the roll(s) and shows it in the UI
func _on_Die_button_down():
#rollDice function returns an array with the following elements in the following positions:
#rollDice result: [[rolledValues], percentRolled, passResult, neededPercent, degreeOfSuccess, dice]
var result = dieManager.rollDice()
#assigning variable names to each of them for better clarity
var rolledValues = result[0]
var percentRolled = result[1]
var passResult = result[2]
var neededPercent = result[3]
var degreeOfSuccess = result[4]
var dice = result[5]
#Check if passed or not
if passResult:
$Outcome.text = "Successful Roll!"
$Outcome.text = "Failed Roll!"
var diceResultText = "Rolled Values:\n"
#Prints the integer calues of each die rolled in the form: "D(num faces): (value rolled)"
for i in range(dice.size()):
diceResultText += ("D" + str(dice[i]) + ": " + str(rolledValues[i]) + "\n")
#changing labels on screen
$RolledValues.text = diceResultText
$PercentNeeded.text = "Percent Needed to Pass: " + str(neededPercent * 100) + "%"
$PercentRolled.text = "Percent Rolled: " + str(percentRolled * 100) + "%"
$DegreeOfSuccess.text = "Degree of Success: " + str(degreeOfSuccess * 100) + "%"
#revealing labels to user
#Calls the cleardata method for the diemanager and hides the text on screen
func _on_Reset_button_down():
dieManager.setDieManager(desiredDice, neededPercentageToPass)