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synced 2024-04-16 14:23:01 +00:00
**************************** README.TXT: **************************** Author: Doug McCord Date: 30-Jan-2022 **************************** Intro notes: I created this to help explain the current Godot file structure I'm using. An effort has been made to use a consistent organization, though it can most definitely be improved/made more consistent. **************************** Project file structure: Surface Layer: Game scripts are located at this level, included unique history scripts and the Game.gd script itself. _toArchive: Directory to serve as reference-only; precursor to trash assets: Images, fonts, TRES text resource data files globalScripts: For project-wide use, or scripts that are not either: A. attached to a template scene, intended to go with all instances of that, or B. unique, scene-specific scripts. Screens: Additional scenes that are not the main game; includes both .tscn scene files and their associated scripts. UserInterface: (note misnomer for text-based game) Re-useable UI elements and their scripts, such as change-scene, input-response