extends Object class_name ConflictResultsProcess #This class is used to define the player and NPC order in combat. Also called Initiative in some game systems. #Rough Draft: 12/3/2023: Luke, Godot 3.5 #How are we calculating initiatve. Are we going to pull the formula from the GSAL? var Initiative_Order : Array #What do these two variables do? That was not clearly defined in the UML... var Action_Declared : Array var Situation_Mod : int # What is the desired data that we want from these two Int values below var Defender_Results_Calculation : int var Opponent_Results_Calclation: int func _init(): pass #func _Defender_VS_Opponent_Results(int): Matrix #Matrix is not a built in datatype in Godot. How I am imagining us doing this is with a 2D or 3D array. #Example Structure [[DefenderResults], [OpponentResults]] #func _Outcome_Options(Matrix): List