#This is the diemanager script that controls the rolling of the die/dice as well as calculates #the end result extends Control export var desiredDice = [20, 8] #diceUsed holds the dice objects that are rolled var diceUsed = [] #diceInPlay holds the die objects as well. #This and diceUsed are essentially the same arrays (holding the dice objects), but I had to use #two arrays due to the parameters in returnDiePercentage var diceInPlay = [] #rolledValues holds the integer value rolled from each die var rolledValues = [] #User can select the percentage needed for a successful roll export var neededPercentageToPass = .2 #boolean based on whether the overall roll passed or not var passedRoll #float holding the degree of success (rolledVal - neededPercentageToPass) var degreeOfSuccess #Load the diceInPlay array func _ready(): for elem in desiredDice: diceInPlay.append(Die.new(elem)) #This is the function that returns the percentage of a rolled die (rolled val / total sides) #The UML showed that this function only had one parameter, "inputedDie," so I assumed that #was the rolled integer value. However, in order to find the percetage we need the total sides as well #As a result, I would get the total sides by ensuring that the inputedDie corresponds to the die at index 0 #of the diceInPlay array. func returnDiePercentage(inputedDie): var totalSides = diceInPlay[0].numFaces #ensuring we don't lose the die objects in memory by storing them in another array diceUsed.append(diceInPlay[0]) diceInPlay.remove(0) var result = float(inputedDie) / float(totalSides) return result #Function to show all of the results on screen func showOnUI(passResult, percentRolled) -> void: if passResult: $Outcome.text = "Successful Roll!" else: $Outcome.text = "Failed Roll!" var diceResultText = "Rolled Values:\n" #Prints the integer calues of each die rolled in the form: "D(num faces): (value rolled)" for i in range(diceUsed.size()): diceResultText += ("D" + str(diceUsed[i].numFaces) + ": " + str(rolledValues[i]) + "\n") #NOTE: degree of success is always calculated regardlesss of success/failure. Let me know if this should be changed degreeOfSuccess = percentRolled - neededPercentageToPass #changing labels on screen $RolledValues.text = diceResultText $PercentNeeded.text = "Percent Needed to Pass: " + str(neededPercentageToPass * 100) + "%" $PercentRolled.text = "Percent Rolled: " + str(percentRolled * 100) + "%" $DegreeOfSuccess.text = "Degree of Success: " + str(degreeOfSuccess * 100) + "%" #revealing labels to user $Outcome.show() $RolledValues.show() $PercentNeeded.show() $PercentRolled.show() $DegreeOfSuccess.show() #function for when "roll" button is clicked func _on_Die_button_down(): #denominator will equal the total number of dice rolled var denominator = 0 #sum of floats of all rolled die percentages var sumOfPercentages = 0 #stores the rolled integer value of die in loop var rolledVal #remember that the size of diceInPlay decrements by 1 each time returnDiePercentage is called while diceInPlay.size() > 0: rolledVal = diceInPlay[0].rollDie() #add rolled integer vaslue to array rolledValues.append(rolledVal) #add percentage to sum sumOfPercentages += returnDiePercentage(rolledVal) #increment denominator denominator += 1 #result is average of sum of percentages var result = sumOfPercentages / denominator passedRoll = (result >= neededPercentageToPass) showOnUI(passedRoll, result) return result #Reset stored values and text func _on_Reset_pressed(): $Outcome.hide() $PercentNeeded.hide() $PercentRolled.hide() $DegreeOfSuccess.hide() $RolledValues.hide() #Fill diceInPlay again and empty diceUsed for die in diceUsed: diceInPlay.append(die) diceUsed = [] rolledValues = []