extends Node # initialize the DB connection. # All Databases will be under res/databases/{Desired Database} #How to init the connection with Godot 3.5+ #const SQLite = preload("res://addons/godot-sqlite/bin/gdsqlite.gdns") #var db #How to init the connection with godot 4+ var db : SQLite = null const verbosity_level : int = SQLite.VERBOSE var db_name = "res://databases/dialog_system" # # A tag is a string used to identify a dialog option. # Examples of how to use createTag # createItem("streetVendor1InMainCityGreetingA") # createItem("dreamSequence1EndingOptionB") func createTag(inputNameString): db.open_db() var tableName = "Tag" var dict : Dictionary = Dictionary() dict["tagName"] = inputNameString db.insert_row(tableName,dict) print(dict) # A collection will contain the ID of the item in question, followed by the genre name, and the alias provided. # Examples of how to use createCollection # createCollection(3, "SciFi", "Plasma Pistol") # createCollection(3, "ModernDay", "9MM Handgun") # createCollection(3, "Fantasy", "Shortbow") func createDialog(dialogText, tagID): db.open_db() var tableName = "Dialog" var dict : Dictionary = Dictionary() dict["dialogText"] = dialogText dict["tagID"] = tagID db.insert_row(tableName,dict) print(dict) #This will read all tags in the entire database. #Just call this function to return them. func readTags(): db.open_db() var tableName = "Tag" db.query("select * from " + tableName) for i in range(0, db.query_result.size()): print("Query results ", db.query_result[i]["tagName"], db.query_result[i]["primaryKey"]) return db.query_result #This will read all Dialogs in the entire database. #Just call this function to return them. func readDialogs(): db.open_db() var tableName = "Dialog" db.query("select * from " + tableName) for i in range(0, db.query_result.size()): print("Query results ", db.query_result[i]["dialogText"], db.query_result[i]["tagID"], db.query_result[i]["primaryKey"]) return db.query_result #Updating a tab may be useful when the name needs to be changed. #Example of how to use updateTagByID: #updateTagByID(23, introToNPCLisa) func updateTagByID(id, feedText): db.open_db() var tableName = "Tag" db.query("update " + str(tableName) + " set tagName = " + "\"" + str(feedText) + "\"" + " where primaryKey = " + str(id) + ";") return db.query_result #Updating a dialog option may be useful when the content or context needs to be changed. #Example of how to updateDialogByID #updateDialogByID(47, "What'cha Buying, What'cha Selling?") func updateDialogByID(id, feedText): db.open_db() var tableName = "Dialog" db.query("update " + str(tableName) + " set dialogText = " + "\"" + str(feedText) + "\"" + " where primaryKey = " + str(id) + ";") return db.query_result #Example of how to updateTagByID #updateTagByID(23) func deleteTagByID(id): db.open_db() var tableName = "Tag" db.query("delete from " + tableName + " where primaryKey = " + str(id)) print("Deleted Tag by ID " + str(id) + ".") #Example of how to deleteDialogByID #updateDialogByID(47) func deleteDialogByID(id): db.open_db() var tableName = "Dialog" db.query("delete from " + tableName + " where primaryKey = " + str(id)) print("Deleted Dialog by ID " + str(id) + ".") # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): db = SQLite.new() db.path = db_name pass # Replace with function body.